Raffaella Soffiantini; painter, drawers and sculptress.

Born in Locarno in Canton Ticino, the artist Raffaella Soffiantini is a painter a drawers and a sculptress. In her paintings combines a vigorous chromatic structure with a freely informal and lyrical abstract.

Raffaella started painting relatively recently. In her youth, she was an elite gymnast in the Swiss national team of Rhythmic Gymnastics, a discipline which she also taught for several years. Raffaella now passionately devotes herself to painting and more recently also to sculpture in a solid manner, and her work is already known on the market in Switzerland and Northern Italy. She has had a long life journey as well as her professional one in other fields too, as a lawyer,which she has skilfully transferred to her artistic career, having a valuable layer of experiences as a base, without which she may never have come to start painting or, at least, not with this value of form, content and technique or with her existential message that is peculiar to her art.

Raffaella Soffiantini; pittrice, disegnatrice e scultrice.

Nata a Locarno in Canton Ticino, l’artista Raffaella Soffiantini è una pittrice e scultrice, che, nella pittura, unisce una robusta struttura cromatica su un telaio liberamente informale e astrattamente lirico.

Raffaella è giunta alla pittura relativamente da poco. In gioventù ginnasta di élite della Nazionale Svizzera di ginnastica ritmica, in seguito un lungo percorso di vita e professionale in altri campi, in particolare come avvocato. Vissuti intensi, che Raffaella ha saputo ‘travasare’ in quello delle arti figurative come prezioso sostrato di esperienze, senza le quali probabilmente non sarebbe mai giunta a dipingere o, almeno, non con questa valenza di forme e di contenuto, di tecnica ma anche di messaggio esistenziale che è peculiare della sua arte.