The making of Autoritratto; the first sculpture by Raffaella Soffiantini


The sculpture was cast in 2022 at the Art Foundry Perseo SA in Mendrisio (CH). Popular among contemporary artists, the foundry also cast Salvator Dali's Alice in wonderland.

Raffaella Soffiantini posing with the sculpture Autoritratto

Raffaella Soffiantini posing with the sculpture Autoritratto

Raffaella began her artistic career in 2017, ranging from painting to drawing and sculpture. Her artworks have been shown in Florence, Sicily and Switzerland since 2019. The public has highly appreciated her art; nowadays, she has a solid base of admirers and collectors between Italy and Switzerland.


Photo gallery; Monreale’s Metamorphoses exhibition - 2022


Photo gallery; Raffaella Soffiantini’s exhibition, Lugano - 2021